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    New campaign calls on the public to share their experiences of NHS services to help make care better for all.
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    Our volunteers visited six local care homes, speaking to residents, relatives and staff. We also met with the Oral Health Promotion Team from Whittington Health.
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    We spoke to parents of children with learning disabilities to find out what they valued about this service, and to ask if there was anything that could be improved.
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    The coronavirus pandemic means that many of us are isolated from friends and family. Mental health support has never been more important. Our latest report investigates how well these services meet the needs of migrant communities in Islington.
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    In stressful times services that support our mental health are even more important. We spoke to residents from Islington's migrant communities to better understand their experiences.
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    With social distancing measures in place, we're doing more and more essential tasks online. Our digital champions make sure that local residents that need some support don't get left behind.
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    Healthwatch has been providing digital training and support to local voluntary organisations to help them to better support their volunteers and the communities they serve whilst social distancing measures are in place.
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    Share your experiences on daily life during the pandemic by completing our survey
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    At our 30 June event speakers from the research team at University College London Hospital helped us understand how the pandemic has affected our mental health. We heard that there are lessons to learn from previous coronavirus outbreaks.
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    Two-thirds of people in England say they are more likely to act to improve health and social care services since the outbreak of COVID-19. Help services improve and join our campaign #BecauseWeAllCare to encourage people to share their experience.
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    We're doing more and more essential tasks online. Our digital champions offer support and encouragement to local residents who are learning how to use digital platforms.
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    To respond to coronavirus, local hospitals serving Islington residents had to quickly change. Tell us how this has affected the care you or your loved one has received. 
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    Participants are needed for focus groups planned for October, led by specialists from University College Hospital
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    The biomedical research team from University College Hospital wants to better understand the reasons why BME people are underrepresented in vaccine trials.
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    Participants are needed for a focus group planned for 21 October, led by specialists from University College Hospital
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    Lockdown is over but social distancing is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Being able to connect remotely with services and social networks has never been more important.
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    The local walk-through testing site, in the car park of the Sobell Leisure Centre, will be open from 8am-8pm, seven days a week, for the next six months.
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    We supported 680 residents from migrant communities with a range of issues related to the pandemic, and gave over 1600 people access to reliable information about coronavirus in their first language.
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    Most dental practices have to have up to one hour gaps between patients if they are providing treatments, to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff. This means that available appointments are in short supply.
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    Patsy used to just use her phone for making calls. Now she can use it to to share photos of her beloved dog with her friends. We hope this is just the start of her digital journey.
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    Whittington Health shared ways in which their services have changed to ensure patient and staff safety during this pandemic.
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    Are the changes to services we’ve seen over the past nine months going to be here to stay?
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    Our congratulations go to David Mallory, who has been recognised as a champion among Digital Champions
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    We have been awarded a contract of up to nine years starting from 1 April 2022.
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    As we come out of the pandemic, we asked care home managers how easy it was to get support for their residents from GPs, dentists, opticians, community health, and hospital transport services.
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    Our latest report shares local people's experiences of trying to access NHS dentistry in Islington since the pandemic
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    Our latest report shares local people's experiences of trying to access NHS dentistry in Islington since the pandemic
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    Speakers from Whittington Health Community Services and the Islington GP Federation answered questions about community-based physio services in Islington.
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    We've been working with Healthwatch organisations across North Central London to gather local people's experiences of Long Covid. Our aims are to identify any gaps in current provision and support the better development of services.
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    We've been working with Healthwatch organisations across North Central London to gather local people's experiences of Long Covid. Our aims are to identify any gaps in current provision and support the better development of services.
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    Healthwatch is working in partnership with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust to make local health services more accessible.
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    Thanks to people sharing their experiences of GP appointments with us, we’ve been able to help local commissioners draw up an action plan to make GP services easier to access for all our residents.
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    Our staff and volunteers have been offering free blood pressure tests and raising awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure at Callyfest and on Chapel Market.
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    Our volunteers visited local pharmacies to see how accessible they were for people in wheelchairs or with limited mobility.
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    If you've been invited for a cervical smear test or breast screening appointment or been sent a home testing kit for bowel cancer screening, then we're interested in hearing about your experience.
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    At our information event in August, Islington GP Dr Jennifer Rea talked to us about the importance of cervical screening and answered your questions.
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    We've been going out into the community to support residents' mental and physical wellbeing.
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    Healthwatch Islington's Chief Executive, Emma Whitby, observed the meeting at which the decision was taken and was impressed by the robustness of the process.
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    We've spoken to people about screening services at our engagement events and collected views via an online survey.