1. Cancer Screening
We are talking to residents from Somali and Turkish-speaking backgrounds to increase their awareness of and access to screening. We're working with our partners to better reach people who would most benefit from being able to discuss screening and have any concerns addressed in their first language, and local GPs are referring suitable patients to us directly.
2. Gathering feedback on home care services
We are talking to residents receiving care in their homes, and their family members to find out what is working well and what needs to be improved. Tell us how well home care services meet your needs.
3. Childhood immunisations
Our childhood immunisations outreach worker is connecting with families with young children in Islington's most deprived wards. She is talking through any questions or concerns that parents may have and helping those who would like support to book appointments for their children. Find out more.
4. Evidence Islington
This is a collaboration with Islington Council to ensure resident views and experiences about the wider determinants of health (issues such as housing, anti-social behaviour, air quality, and access to parks and green spaces) inform the council's decision-making and planning. Find out more.
5. Healthwatch Week
Each year in July we host a week-long stall at Chapel Market to meet as many local people as possible to let them know about Healthwatch and to promote our current work.
6. Mental Health
Our mental health partnership coordinators, Philippa, Mary, and Kay will be working to build partnerships across our local mental health trust and the voluntary and community sector to make services more inclusive and accessible.
7. Mental Health Inequalities Toolkit
The toolkit is a coproduced resource to help health and care commissioners and providers consider how to be more inclusive when designing and delivering services. We will be working to promote this resource and encourage its use.
8. Physical Health Community Research
This year, we are working with our partners to gather views from residents with long-term health conditions about the movement and exercise they do and the annual health reviews they are invited to attend by their GP surgeries.