Challenging Inequalities Self-Assessment Toolkit
Progressing Equality Through Mental Health Commissioning and Mental Health Service Delivery
- This document was authored by Islington’s Inequalities Subgroup of the All Age Mental Health Partnership Board in August 2021.
- It contains evidence and expertise from our various partners on how those involved in mental health in Islington can work together to address the inequalities that we know continue to exist in service delivery.
- All partners at the All Age Mental Health Partnership Board have committed to make three pledges for increasing their inclusiveness during 2023. These pledges will be informed by each partners own data including statistics on who is/isn’t using their service, and feedback from users and staff on steps being taken to address equity and what needs further work. The pledges may reflect existing work that partners are delivering to address inequality, or be new ideas. For larger partner organisations they may pilot this in a specific department or team at first. Organisations are encouraged to share and support each other to help Islington become fairer by working together.
Challenging Inequalities Self-Assessment Toolkit
The Challenging Inequalities Self-Assessment Toolkit - LGBTQI+
Islington Mind have published a second chapter in 2024 to support organisations to increase access and inclusivity for the LGBTQI+ community, guided by specialist services mostly operating in London.
Our equality pledges
- Increase the diversity of ages and ethnicities represented on our Board. There are nine seats on our Board. We currently have a young board (all aged 25 – 40) representing White British, White Other and Asian ethnicities. We will use a wider range of recruitment channels to attract people from a wider variety of backgrounds.
- Increase the gender and ethnic diversity of our staff team. We have a staff team of 8 and low staff turnover. We primarily advertise roles locally, but also through Charity Job and the national Healthwatch network. We shortlist applications anonymously and work with partners to ensure gender and ethnic diversity on panels. We are making progress and now have two men, and staff from Black, Mixed, White Other and White British backgrounds. But we want to keep focused on diversifying our recruitment channels, and to review our recruitment processes.
- Ensure the balance of partners we work with through Diverse Communities Health Voices helps us to reach more men, and more families, children and young people.