Our annual report 2023-2024

The value of listening.


We are here to find out what matters to people and help make sure their views shape the support they need. We also help people find the information they need about local services.

Our year in numbers

  • 812 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us, helping to raise awareness of issues and improve care.
  • 1,241 residents came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as mental health and the cost of living crisis.
  • We published 4 reports about the improvements people would like to see in health and care.
  • We were lucky to have 28 outstanding volunteers, who gave their time across 44 days to make care better for our community.

Highlights from the year

  • Making annual health checks more effective
  • Helping increase uptake of cancer screening services
  • Providing reliable information and addressing concerns about childhood immunisations
  • Giving advice and information to mental health professionals to support better patient care


If you need this report in a different format, please email info@healthwatchislington.co.uk

Annual report 2023-2024

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