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    Our volunteers visited all the GP practices in the borough to get a sense of how easy it is for them to meet the Accessible Information Standard.
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    Mystery shopping by Healthwatch volunteers and feedback from local residents has led to improvements in service design.
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    We spoke to parents of children with learning disabilities to find out what they valued about this service, and to ask if there was anything that could be improved.
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    The social care system is under huge pressure. What does the future hold?
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    Health information workshops are helping communities that don't have English as a first language to access services for conditions such as diabetes and stroke.
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    Residents that don't have English as a first language are not using NHS commissioned social prescribing and navigation services. Community organisations are having to bridge this gap.
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    We interviewed 44 unpaid/family carers over the phone. We asked them what extra support would make the biggest difference to their lives.
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    We can point you in the right direction if you need help accessing other health or care services. We'd also like to hear your views on the care you receive at home.
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    We'll be supporting the North Central London Mental Health Trust to learn from best practices across the region to improve the experience of carers