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    Our volunteers visited all the GP practices in the borough to get a sense of how easy it is for them to meet the Accessible Information Standard.
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    Women who participated in the Log On project tell us how their smartphones are helping them to feel connected.
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    We visited the Imaging Department, and the Fracture and Antenatal Clinics. Most people felt the hospital was doing a good job, but there was still some room for improvement.
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    Participants are needed for a focus group planned for 21 October, led by specialists from University College Hospital
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    Find out more about how and why your NHS data is shared.
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    Our staff and volunteers have been offering free blood pressure tests and raising awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure at Callyfest and on Chapel Market.
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    If you've been invited for a cervical smear test or breast screening appointment or been sent a home testing kit for bowel cancer screening, then we're interested in hearing about your experience.
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    In Islington, participation in bowel, breast, and cervical cancer screening programmes is below the national and the London average.
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    Celebrating ten years of Healthwatch Islington