1. News -

    Our volunteers visited six local care homes, speaking to residents, relatives and staff. We also met with the Oral Health Promotion Team from Whittington Health.
  2. Report -

    We visited six homes, speaking to 46 residents, 24 relatives and 31 staff. We wanted to see how residents were supported with their oral health and whether there was any room for improvement.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Routine dental care has had to change because of COVID-19, with social distancing rules making it difficult to access services. Here’s some information on how to access an NHS dentist during the pandemic.
  4. Report -

    NHS Patient Information Leaflet
  5. News -

    Most dental practices have to have up to one hour gaps between patients if they are providing treatments, to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff. This means that available appointments are in short supply.
  6. Report -

    We spoke to 24 family carers of people with learning disabilities, two staff members, and three teams from referring agencies. We wanted to understand what the service does well, and suggest ways in which it might be further improved.
  7. News -

    We spoke to parents of children with learning disabilities to find out what they valued about this service, and to ask if there was anything that could be improved.