Stroke services for Islington

Support available in Islington for residents recovering from a stroke, and for their family members and carers.
Woman at a stall offering support services

This information was last updated on 9 February 2022. If any details are no longer correct please let us know so we can keep this content up to date.

What support is available nationally?

The Stroke Helpline is provided by the Stroke Association.

0303 3033 100 for information, support or advice. An interpreting service is available on request.

My Stroke Guide

My Stroke Guide is an online support tool, designed for stroke survivors, family members and carers. Easy-to-read information, advice and videos from the Stroke Association explain everything you need to know about stroke. You can also connect with other stroke survivors, to ask questions and to find out how they manage their recovery.

Find out more

What support is available in Islington?

Stroke Navigator Service

The Stroke Navigator Service is for stroke survivors of any age, and families and carers of people affected by stroke, living or registered to a GP in Islington.

The Stroke Navigator will visit you at home. The service provides practical advice, essential information, and emotional support.

Contact the Stroke Navigator for a referral.

07540 513 291

Stroke Association, Islington Outlook, 133 St. John's Way, N19 3RQ

Manor Gardens Stroke Service

The Manor Gardens Stroke Service provides one to one support to individuals, a weekly Stroke Club, and Stroke Champions - trained volunteers who support stroke survivors and their carers. The stroke service is free to anyone in Islington. To find out more contact Milena or Hugh:

Milena 020 7561 5264 / Hugh 020 7561 5308 /

Stroke Club runs every Friday from 10am to 3pm at Upper Holloway Baptist Church

Manor Gardens Centre, 6-9 Manor Gardens, N7 6LA.

Camden and Islington Communication Support Service

The Camden and Islington Communication Support Service works with stroke survivors who are living with communication difficulties. They will help you to develop communication strategies, and rebuild confidence and independence. Support can be provided in a group setting, or on a one-to-one basis at home.

0303 3033 100

Volunteer Group - Islington

Thursdays - 10:30am to12:30pm

Islington Outlook Centre, 133 St John's Way, N19 3RQ

Islington Aphasia Cafe

Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays - 10:30am to 12pm

60 Newington Green, Stoke Newington, N16 9PX

Other activities in the local community

South Islington Stroke Club

Thursdays, 12 noon to 2pm

St. Marys Neighbourhood Centre, Upper Street, N1 2TU

07905 741705 (Jane Pickering Secretary)


Shoreditch Trust Stroke Project

Includes outreach, drop in services and support groups, which include exercise classes, self help groups and groups aimed at younger stroke survivors:

0207 033 8500

Support for carers

Islington Carers Hub provides advice, information and support to all carers aged 18 or over who live or work in Islington, or care for someone living in Islington.

020 7281 3319 or 0800 085 1141 (freephone)