Social prescribing and navigation services
What are social prescribing and navigation services?
Social prescribing is a means by which people can access non-clinical activities designed to support health and wellbeing. Social prescribing is often offered to patients with long term health conditions who may not be able to access these types of activity without support. However, anybody can benefit from social prescribing. Activities are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations and include arts and crafts, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, and a range of exercise classes and fitness activities.
Navigators help you to access both clinical and non-clinical services.
Age UK Islington
They offer social prescribing and navigation support, helping over 300 clients a month. The service is not just for people aged 50 and over. If you are an Islington resident aged 16 or over with a long term or complex health or social care need, you can also ask for their help.
0207 281 6018
6-9 Manor Gardens, Islington, N7 6LA
Help on Your Doorstep
They can provide initial information and support on a wide range of issues and refer you on to other local organisations for further advice and help. Connect teams go into their local communities and knock on doors. They also hold outreach sessions at local health centres.
020 3931 6080
Other community based organisations
Some community organisations supporting particular client groups, for example residents that don't have English as a first language, also offer social prescribing and navigation services. These organisations are able to refer clients to activities delivered in their first language in appropriate cultural settings. They also provide the ongoing support necessary to help vulnerable clients continue to engage with wellbeing services.
If you would like to know whether there are community organisations in Islington supporting your particular needs, search on the internet.
Healthwatch Islington works with a number of these organisations already, so you could get in touch with us to ask if we know of any organisations that support your specific needs.