Our Boost project has been helping vulnerable young people to improve their physical and mental health

The Boost project is just one of the ways our Mental Health Partnership team have worked with NHS and community partners this year
Adam, personal trainer at Lift Gym in Islington

Adam is the personal trainer at the Lift Gym and has been providing one-to-one support to young people taking part in the Boost project

The Mental Health Partnership team comprises three Healthwatch staff based within our local mental health trust. Last year the team approached Lift, a youth hub in Islington, to explore creative options to support vulnerable young people. From this, the idea of Boost was born. The Boost project has helped guide young people experiencing mental health challenges to find positive outcomes through exercise and activity. 

The teams worked with 14 young people. These participants have experienced various challenges including isolation, suicidal ideation, involvement with gangs, domestic abuse, and migrating to a new country. Some had diagnoses of neurodiversity and all had experienced hardship in their lives. 

How were the young people supported?

Most participants completed a ten-week programme of gym activity with support from a personal trainer and a wellbeing coach. Most were referred by Islington's Mental Health Core team.

Once we received the referral, we spoke to the young person to prepare them for the project. Each participant attended a one-hour, one-to-one induction session with Adam, the personal trainer, where they discussed key issues around their physical and mental wellbeing. Depending on the needs of each participant, adjustments were made to the surroundings, for example, the music and the blinds.

Some people wanted to boost their stamina, others wanted to hone their physical shape. Adam tailored each exercise plan accordingly. A couple of attendees were unable to take public transport due to previous trauma. In these cases, a taxi was arranged to and from Lift.

Participants also spent time with Chudi the wellbeing coach to consider involvement in other activities, career options, or plans going forward. Adam and Chudi responded with care if an attendee was late, stressed, or depressed. They ensured there was no pressure so attendees felt supported and able to confide in the team, who could refer back to the Core Team should there be concerns. 

“It's gone really well. It has improved my mental and physical health. This has helped my body image and how I view exercise as helping you feel well.”

Boost participant

“My client spoke highly of your approach and the encouragement you provided, mentioning that it made a significant difference to her overall mood. We discussed how there's a noticeable correlation between physical activity levels and mood, and she felt a tangible improvement in her mental well-being after the session. Not only has her mood changed, but her entire outlook on life has transformed in the past few sessions. The positive impact is not just confined to the client; it's also resonating with her family, which is truly remarkable.”

Feedback from clinician, Young Person’s Psychology Lead

Find out more

This activity was made possible thanks to funding from Sport England. Read the project report for more detail on how the young people who took part have benefitted.

Read the report