1. Report -

    A mystery shopping project
  2. Report -

    Deaf service users raised a range of concerns about experiences in local hospitals.
  3. Blog -

    A new blog about the experience of care services from the perspective of a long time Islington resident with disability
  4. News -

    We held a focus group with Deaf patients in December 2108. We discussed GP services broadly. We also gathered views on urgent and same day services in particular.
  5. Blog -

    A second blog about the experience of care services from the perspective of a long time Islington resident with disability
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Islington was commissioned by Manor Gardens Welfare Trust to provide an independent evaluation of the Bright Beginnings project.
  7. Report -

    We spoke to 28 learning disabled residents and support workers to capture their views on emergency care, the use of digital technology, and health services located in the community.
  8. News -

    Residents that don't have English as a first language are not using NHS commissioned social prescribing and navigation services. Community organisations are having to bridge this gap.
  9. Report -

    We spoke to 154 residents from migrant communities about their experiences of social prescribing and navigation services
  10. News -

    Social prescribing is a means by which people can be referred to non-clinical activities designed to support health and wellbeing.
  11. News -

    Social prescribing is a means by which people can be referred to non-clinical activities designed to support health and wellbeing.
  12. News -

    Social prescribing is a means by which people can be referred to non-clinical activities designed to support health and wellbeing. But sometimes clients' basic needs must be satisfied before social prescribing can be effective.
  13. Report -

    A summary of this meeting
  14. Response -

    We'd like to see clearer eligibility criteria, and better access to the service for patients with communication support needs.
  15. Report -

    We interviewed 73 residents from migrant communities who were living with mental health issues find out what their experiences were of accessing the support available in the borough.
  16. News -

    The coronavirus pandemic means that many of us are isolated from friends and family. Mental health support has never been more important. Our latest report investigates how well these services meet the needs of migrant communities in Islington.
  17. News -

    In stressful times services that support our mental health are even more important. We spoke to residents from Islington's migrant communities to better understand their experiences.
  18. News -

    Healthwatch has been providing digital training and support to local voluntary organisations to help them to better support their volunteers and the communities they serve whilst social distancing measures are in place.
  19. Report -

    Last year, we engaged with over 2300 residents. 650 people shared their stories about health and social care, and we made 25 recommendations to services about the improvements that people would like to see.
  20. News -

    The biomedical research team from University College Hospital wants to better understand the reasons why BME people are underrepresented in vaccine trials.
  21. Report -

    We surveyed 200 local residents, 180 of whom were from migrant communities. We asked them about their experiences of lockdown, and of the coronavirus pandemic more broadly.
  22. Report -

    The Fairer Together Partnership has been established to bring together a range of organisations in Islington to confront the challenges local people are facing.
  23. Report -

    We supported 680 residents from migrant communities with a range of issues related to the pandemic, and helped 1698 local people get access to reliable information about coronavirus.
  24. News -

    We supported 680 residents from migrant communities with a range of issues related to the pandemic, and gave over 1600 people access to reliable information about coronavirus in their first language.
  25. Response -

    Digital can be for anyone, but it isn’t for everyone.
  26. News -

    Our congratulations go to David Mallory, who has been recognised as a champion among Digital Champions
  27. Response -

    By not making our services inclusive we deny access to people who are entitled to health and social care support, and we unintentionally discriminate.
  28. Blog -

    Although more face-to-face appointments will be available once the pandemic is over, video and phone consultations are likely here to stay. We can help services understand the impact of this change by sharing our feedback.
  29. Report -

    During January and February 2021, we spoke to 44 carers over the phone about their experiences and the services with which they engage.
  30. Report -

    We know that there is a huge digital divide in Islington and that this is likely to exacerbate existing inequality if we don’t take joined-up action.
  31. News -

    For patients who are comfortable using computers e-consult can be a convenient and user-friendly method of getting in contact with the GP surgery. For patients who struggle with or cannot use computers, e-consult can be a serious barrier to access.
  32. News -

    Our Diverse Communities partnership has been helping residents with disabilities or those that don't have English as a first language to get the answers they need.
  33. Report -

    We engaged with and supported 2,189 residents with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic this year. 781 people shared their experiences of health and social care.
  34. Blog -

    It's been a big week for our digital support programme and our wider work to promote digital inclusion. Philippa Russell, our Community Link Worker, shares her thoughts.
  35. News -

    Last month we launched a report examining the issue of digital exclusion in the borough. We're happy to say we'll now be working with Islington Council to help them co-produce a new digital inclusion strategy.
  36. Response -

    We continue to hear reports from residents that the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service doesn’t work well for them. Lack of clarity in the wording of eligibility criteria creates ambiguity, confusion, and unfairness.
  37. Report -

    We respond to the NHS England and NHS Improvement survey on the updated eligibility criteria for non-emergency patient transport.
  38. News -

    To celebrate Get Online Week our volunteer digital champions and digital partners share their favourite tips for staying safe online.
  39. News -

    We're seeking participation from people from Black and Asian backgrounds. We are also looking for people who may have experience as a family carer, or who use health services regularly.
  40. News -

    Local health champion wins ‘Celebrating our volunteer team’ category in major national awards scheme.
  41. Report -

    Healthwatch carried out an independent evaluation of 'Building and sustaining bridges of inclusion', Arachne's Lottery-funded advice and information project
  42. Report -

    Healthwatch was commissioned by Manor Gardens Welfare Trust to provide an independent evaluation of the 'Bright Beginnings' Project.
  43. Report -

    Local funder Cloudesley recommended Healthwatch Islington to Centre 404 as an independent evaluator for their Supporting Families Service.
  44. Report -

    We evaluated the experience of offering and accessing counselling support remotely, from the perspective of Maya Centre staff, and service users.
  45. Response -

    Healthwatch Islington is pleased that the new fertility policy for North Central London will follow the guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

  46. Response -

    Islington is a borough of stark inequalities. We want to see services and support designed around the needs of those residents experiencing this inequality.
  47. Report -

    Healthwatch responds to the Islington Council's call for evidence, sharing examples of inequality that we have come across in our recent work.