Healthwatch Islington will continue to deliver the Healthwatch service for Islington
We are delighted to say that, following a procurement exercise, Islington Council has decided that we are the best placed provider to continue to deliver Healthwatch Islington over the coming years. They have awarded us a contract of up to nine years starting from 1st April 2022. The procurement panel noted that we submitted “a high quality tender return, scoring highly in all areas”. And that we provided them “with confidence in Healthwatch Islington’s ability to deliver a high quality Healthwatch service, with commitment to innovate, collaborate with Islington residents including seldom heard voices, and a commitment that they share with the council to creating a more equal Islington”.
We would like to thank all our staff, volunteers, trustees and partners who have supported us over the last nine years. They have helped share information and gather experiences from residents all over the borough, improving access to mental health and well-being services, highlighting the needs of deaf patients, influencing a model for social and emotional health support for young people, and making it easier for residents to access their social workers. The flexibility and enthusiasm of this wider team has enabled us to evolve and deliver a high quality and relevant Healthwatch service.
It’s been a privilege to be able to deliver this work and we are really excited about continuing. In 2022, we will develop plans to engage more young people and children in our work, and we will move our focus from Covid and vaccination, to maintaining good physical health and well-being more broadly, with specific focus on hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer and mental health pathways. Our vision is for improved health and care outcomes for all local residents and we look forward to working with residents and partners to achieve this goal.