Supporting the uptake of cervical screening within the Somali and Turkish speaking communities in Islington

Guided by learning from a Public Health Cancer Needs analysis, and support from North Central London Cancer Alliance, the project has focused on supporting uptake of cervical screening in the Somali and Turkish Communities


  • Health information workshops were attended by 208 women from the Turkish and Somali-speaking communities
  • 39 women participated in one-to-one conversations with trained cancer champions in their community language
  • Some women booked screening appointments after the workshops, some after the one-to-one conversations, but many more said they needed to reflect on what they had heard. Many of the barriers are profound. 
  • Many participants felt that they no longer needed to attend screening if they were divorced or their husbands had died. It would be helpful to address this specific issue more prominently in future cervical screening messaging.


Supporting the uptake of cervical screening within the Somali and Turkish speaking communities in Islington

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