1. Report -

    Staff from Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust spoke to us about mental health issues related to the pandemic, and the actions we can take to look after ourselves and others
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    Meeting Notes
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    Correct as of 15 March and updated on 25 May 2021
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    During January and February 2021, we spoke to 44 carers over the phone about their experiences and the services with which they engage.
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    Feedback from staff and service users at the Maya Centre on their experiences of virtual counselling during the pandemic
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    We know that there is a huge digital divide in Islington and that this is likely to exacerbate existing inequality if we don’t take joined-up action.
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    Here are ten top tips for using e-consult
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    The information and help available through the GP practice website is likely to be an increasingly important factor in meeting patient needs.
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    We engaged with and supported 2,189 residents with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic this year. 781 people shared their experiences of health and social care.
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    We respond to the NHS England and NHS Improvement survey on the updated eligibility criteria for non-emergency patient transport.
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    Correct as of 1 November 2021
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    We evaluated the experience of offering and accessing counselling support remotely, from the perspective of Maya Centre staff, and service users.
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    During November and early December 2022, Healthwatch volunteers and staff phoned 33 Islington practices. They noted the length of the recorded messages and the information that was shared.
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    We asked people about their experiences of seeing a GP, using pharmacy services and getting treatment for Long Covid.
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    LGBTQI+ residents shared their experiences of accessing health, mental health, social care, and housing services.
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    We asked people about their experiences of cervical screening, bowel cancer screening, and breast screening services.
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    We spoke to 98 smokers and ex-smokers from communities experiencing health inequalities.
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    Our analysis of GP websites in January 2023
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    It's been a great year of growth for Healthwatch Islington. We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services in the borough.