1. Report -

    We asked local residents using community health services like podiatry and physiotherapy whether they felt they were waiting a long time for an appointment. We wanted to learn whether that had any impact on their health.
  2. Report -

    Local Healthwatch from Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington organised surveys, focus groups and interviews to find out what people thought of existing services and to get ideas on how to make services better.
  3. Report -

    How do GP practices in Islington make their services accessible to patients with a communication support need?
  4. Report -

    Mystery shoppers called GP practices posing as newly arrived Islington residents looking for a practice which could accommodate their child’s needs. They stated that their child had a diagnosis of autism.
  5. Report -

    Find materials for this meeting of the Islington Patient Group.
  6. Report -

    Find materials for this meeting of the Islington Patient Group.
  7. Report -

    Feedback from patients at the Angel Medical Centre walk in service, and from the wider community
  8. Report -

    Self-care, social issues affecting health, and care delivered closer to home
  9. Report -

    Local community organisations would welcome stronger referral pathways, and the opportunity to develop dialogue with Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.
  10. Report -

    Correct as of 26 January 2022
  11. Report -

    Healthwatch carried out an independent evaluation of 'Building and sustaining bridges of inclusion', Arachne's Lottery-funded advice and information project
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    We asked care home managers about access to health services for their residents.
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    Many people have reported difficulties accessing NHS dental services in Islington since the pandemic.
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    Healthwatch responds to the Islington Council's call for evidence, sharing examples of inequality that we have come across in our recent work.
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    New Healthwatch report into Long Covid in North Central London
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    Our online survey explored how local people's experiences of accessing a GP have changed since the pandemic
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    We engaged with over 2,200 residents, providing information, digital support, and gathering views on accessing health and care services, experiences of Long Covid, and the wider impact of the pandemic.
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    Nafsiyat is a charity offering intercultural therapy in over 20 languages to people from diverse cultural communities. They asked us to evaluate their Intercultural Therapy Service for Bengali and Sylheti speakers.
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    Healthwatch Islington volunteers and staff visited 40 Islington pharmacies. The aim of these visits was to observe the physical space of the pharmacy and comment on its accessibility.